A journey is an excursion from one destination to the
next. The purpose of a journey is to make passage from one place to
another, as in the journey from poverty to abundance.
At Skypatterns, I have collected Journeys to travel from one state
of being to another. From confusion to clarity. Each journey is created
with a specific target in mind, revealing to the traveler;
what is necessary for their personal evolvement.
In order to take a journey you are prepared with an induction into
a trance state. It is a relaxed state of being, where the unconscious
mind can be directly spoken to. The resistance disappears. We are open
to receive visions that can be interpreted and used to become happier,
healthier, and connected to our highest version. Like peeling an onion,
the layers of discord are loosened and shed, opening up to the core
of what lies beneath it. Once the core is revealed, the charge;,
or energy connected to that core is removed forever.
Energy, unlimited by fears, beliefs, phobias, and conditioning if freed.
This energy can be tapped and used to heal, to create, and to reinvent
ourselves. Close the door behind you, and walk into a new future.
To gain the most insight it is best if you have a Skypatterns
Life Reading or Birth Chart Reading done
for you to help interpret your journey.