Life ReadingThe Life Reading combines the Birth Reading and Transit Report analysis
for your lifetime.
Birth ReadingThe Birth Reading is an in depth study of your Natal Horoscope. It creates a psychological mirror of your life by interpreting the astronomical data present at the moment of your birth. It describes your basic character, motivations, perceptions and behavior. This package includes a personal reading with Judy Crescenzo with Indra and Cosmo Birth Chart Reports delivered to you via email.
Compatibility ReadingThe Compatibilty Reading takes the astrological data from two people and compares and interprets their basic tendencies in combination. Each of us behaves differently when coupled with different people. The compatibility report helps you understand how and why you affect others and they affect you. This package includes a personal reading with Judy Crescenzo, a Compatibility Report and two Indra and Cosmo Birth Chart Reports for each individual.
Relocation ReadingThe Relocation Report is an astrological analysis of what you are likely to experience in the cities that you have selected as points of interest. The report offers up to ten choices of destinations and the insight of which ones might be the best choices for your specific goals and needs. Commonly used for traveling or relocation anywhere in the world. This package includes a personal reading with Judy Crescenzo, a Relocation Report and Indra and Cosmo Birth Chart reports.