Skypatterns Skytalk

Archive for July, 2012

Uranus Square Pluto!

by on Jul.28, 2012, under In The News

So how’s it feel? Well, have you noticed the complete insanity going on lately, the sudden events that change the landscape of your life in the drop of a hat?

That’s Uranus square Pluto, on the forefront of our lives from May 30, 2012-March 5, 2015. Uranus is the planet of awakening through disruption, destruction, unpredictable change. The plus side is it brings creativity, resourcefulness, and perception. Pluto is the planet of transformation through struggle, obsession, confusion and conflict. The plus side is it brings rebirth, regeneration, transformation and wisdom.

So, wherever in life we have held on to “stuff” that we should let go of, these two planets will assist us by bulldozing it out of our life, in a most stressful way, or remind us of what is needed, and give us the nudge to be proactive.

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