Tag: Autumnal Equinox
The Autumnal Equinox
by judy on Sep.11, 2010, under In The News
The moment of change from summer to autumn is called the Autumnal Equinox. The Sun enters 0 degrees Libra the first moment of Autumn. This year, 2010, that occurs September 22nd at 8:09 PM PDT.
The Sun in Libra usually brings in balance, harmony and compassion. This year, the Sun joins a stellium of planets creating a wide T-Square, continuing the lessons of the last two years. For the upcoming week, we can all consider how far we’ve come in resolving our fears, leaving unwanted habits and patterns behind, freeing ourselves from the ties that bind us. The Sun illuminates, brings light to the dark, encouraging us to move forward through compromise and cooperation.