Archive for September, 2012
Say Goodbye to Summer
by judy on Sep.21, 2012, under In The News
Saturday September 22nd at 7:49 AM PDT, Autumn begins~
Looking forward to the third season of the year, of this auspicious 2012. We’re having to drop all of our comforts of the past that no longer serve us, that keep us stuck in our old patterns. It’s time to fly. It’s time to realize we are all in this together and what doesn’t divide us, unites us. After all, Love is All There Is. The rest is just a dream.
Blessings to the world in this colorful season!
My Favorite Author and Why
by judy on Sep.06, 2012, under In The News
Dolores Cannon is my favorite author. I’ve been attracted to her writings since the early 90’s, beginning with A Soul Remembers Hiroshima.
I found her as I was researching other hypnotherapists doing regression work. I began learning of the value of hypnotherapy, which at the time I called “Journeying”, after meeting seasoned therapists in the late 80’s. I worked with one that taught me how our belief systems keep us stuck, or, our belief systems elevate our lives. She planted the seed which was to become my life’s work and motivation.
Dolores stumbled upon regression by accident, in 1968, when her husband who was an amateur hypnotist worked with a woman with a weight problem. Very few people had even heard of regression then; the closest thing was what Edgar Cayce was doing without her prior knowledge. When the client slipped into another lifetime and afterwards was served by the revelations that were observed, Dolores was sparked. She studied many hypnotic methods, and developed her own technique of regression to further her lifelong ambition of recovering lost knowledge via her clients. Studying history first hand.
What I love most about Dolores is her passion, her dedication and curiosity that keeps her on the cutting edge of new information for those of us on the quest to becoming our highest version possible.
I love the fact that she isn’t what you’d expect on the New Age roster, but is the most believable and down to earth author I know. I suggest if you are interested, to begin with her earliest work and move to the latest, as you will become intimate with her and her rich experiences on the quest to what life is really all about. Happy Reading!