Tag: Venus Retrograde 2010
Venus is Retrograde from Oct. 8- Nov. 18
by judy on Oct.25, 2010, under In The News
Venus, the planet of love, values, cooperation and harmony is retrograde. You’ve probably heard about Mercury Retrograde, but other planets have retrograde cycles as well. About every 18 months, Venus goes retrograde, meaning her transit around the Sun slows it’s normal orbit.
Just what does this mean? Whenever a planet goes retrograde, it is a review period of that planets meaning. Venus retrograde indicates there is difficulty in projecting feelings. There is a reevaluation and a reliving of past emotional satisfactions. The feeling is a lack of emotional fulfillment, which encourages us to review what has worked, and what doesn’t regarding our love, values and relationships.
Venus is in the sign of Scorpio, dredging out the deepest feelings here. Over these weeks, our relationships with women (Venus=Feminine) in partnerships, and our sensitivities will be the source of our growth. These relationships can have a fated quality, deep and rich in give and take, and show us where we stand with each other. Take the time to really review your piece of the puzzle within your relationships, and be ready for transformation.