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Archive for May, 2021

Sun in Gemini 2021

by on May.21, 2021, under In The News

In 2021 the Sun will be in the sign of Gemini from May 21st through June 20th.

Gemini rules the third month of the solar year, and the third and final month of spring. Spring is moving into summer, and the tell tale signs are there, yet it hasn‘t happened yet. The Gemini energy is dual in nature, having both qualities of spring and summer built in. They are great at seeing all sides of anything they pursue, and the ability to move with the times. Being so flexible can bring a restlessness that can stop the Gemini from staying with anything after its newness wears off.

Gemini is the first mutable sign, the sign that culminates spring. Gemini energy is adaptable, like the month of the season it rules. The end of May, beginning of June can seem like spring one day, summer the next. Gemini‘s energy is versatile, good at many things, sometimes the master of none. Gemini curiosity and need of variety can take an individual off their course quite easily. They can get bored with the same routine, and need change. It‘s Gemini‘s nature.

Gemini is the first air sign. The air element brings intellect to the Gemini. They are flexible thinkers, being a mutable air sign. The air element brings cleverness to the Gemini, unencumbered with the need of stubbornly adhering to old ways. They think on their feet, are lost in their thoughts, and challenged with the goal of bringing those thoughts down to earth.

Gemini is ruled by the God Mercury. Mercury is the messenger, and so are Geminis. The mental capacity and the speedy delivery of those thoughts are what Gemini‘s can excel in. The challenge is to stay connected to the world through not only the mind, but physically and emotionally. Gemini‘s can be aloof and cool.

The Twins symbolize the dual nature of the Gemini energy, one the opposite by nature from the other. This gives the Gemini the ability to see all sides of a situation. Used negatively, the individual can be like a Jekyll and Hyde, from one extreme to the other.

The highest use of Gemini energy is to access the wit and lightness of this air sign to cover a broader base, free of emotions. To stay flexible in your abilities and to remain curious and forward thinking. To share and disseminate information for the greater good.
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