The Sun in Pisces
by judy on Feb.20, 2021, under In The News
In 2021 the Sun entered the sign of Pisces on February 18th, and will stay in that sign until March 19th. Before we begin the first day of Spring, March 20th, we all have some work to do. It has to do with “endings” as that is what this sign encourages.
Pisces is the sign that rules the last month of the solar year. Unlike the New Year of January 1st, this is the planet’s new year. Before it begins, the work of clearing, and finishing up all the winter projects must be completed in order for the “seeds” of Spring to grow. This Water Sign is very sensitive to everything and everyone, and can do best when driven to conclude the emotional turmoil brought up throughout the prior year.
I liken this time to preparing the ground in the garden. The winter snow is melting, like the emotional issues and stresses 2020 brought us. We are well prepared for an uncertain future, like when you plant any seed. But we know the more fertile our planting medium, the more likely our “seeds” will grow. So in our field of dreams we nurture the soil with nutrition, we weed out invasive intruders, and encourage as much light as possible to help it grow.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune; the planet of idealism, vision and high inspiration. When we are guided by these lofty goals we can reach great spiritual heights. But Neptune can also illicit confusion, bringing procrastination in order not to commit and make a mistake. But, this can become an excuse.
So the most useful way to experience the end of our solar year is to review what worked, learn from what didn’t, and cast your net into your sea of dreams. Listen to the guidance you receive and put it to good use. Stay flexible and witness our future unfolding.