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The Vernal Equinox 2021

by on Mar.04, 2021, under In The News

Saturday March 20th at 2:37 AM PDT, (daylight savings time begins March 14th) is the first moment of SPRING! Oh boy, am I ready for this season to begin! Every year when the Sun is stationed at 0 degrees Aries, it is the astronomical first day of Spring. That is for the Northern Hemisphere; and for the Southern, it is their first day of Autumn.

Equinox is from Latin, meaning equal night. It is equal day/night, and happens twice a year. For centuries people have celebrated this day as it brought hope for more light, more warmth and longer days. It signals when to plant our seeds according to where we live. It heralds the dream in action, created over these last weeks while the Sun is in Pisces.

Aries is a Fire Sign, and as such ignites our individual concerns and actions. Being ruled by Mars, the planet that represents how we put our dreams into action, we are self driven like the child in a new world. It is very basic and primal; willing to cry out when no one’s listening. This Fire Sign begins things, animates life from fauna to flora. We can derive much inspiration for our personal objectives and have the energy to follow through.

This childlike energy is best expressed creatively, as in planting a garden, refurbishing your surroundings, creating things with your hands, using color and form to bring your ideas to life. Take a walk and look around you for materials to create with, like finding a special rock. Everything can look magical through a childs’ eyes, so allow yourself to be that child for your happiest existence.

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