Skypatterns Skytalk

Now Saturn is opposite Jupiter!

by on May.23, 2010, under In The News

As I write this article we all have just weathered the opposition of Saturn and Uranus, and now Saturn is opposing Jupiter. What a set up! The first transit has shaken the foundation of our well being down to the core, and made us take responsibility for our creations, whether they are physical or otherwise.

Now this transit brings us to our knees with a push/pull between our hopes and dreams and our responsibilities. While these two planets are opposing, Venus and Pluto are also in opposition, adding stress to our relationships and forcing transformation within them.  This Grand Cross brings action rather than procrastinating any longer. We are forced to DEAL with our issues.

Take advantage of these otherwise disruptive energies and look at everything, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, in your life. Let go!


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