Skypatterns Skytalk

Change is in the Air

by on Jul.24, 2010, under In The News

Astrologers have been looking forward to this time in history. We have speculated what the planet’s influence would bring in these “end times.”

We’ve all been watching the world changes for years now, whether they be changes in weather with tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and life altering seasonal changes. Or, changes in the economic patterns around the world. Or, changes in the consciousness of mankind.

Now, with Jupiter and Pluto in an exact square to each other, teaming up with the Saturn Uranus opposition, it’s all out war for our souls. Will we survive the battle and renew ourselves under the stress of these energies, or surrender and possibly die? It’s as if we are being torn to shreds, and like the phoenix, must rise again from our own ashes to fly to greater heights.

What is being called for in these difficult times is flexibility. We are being called to action as a species to change. We are being asked to let go of our attachments, our addictions, our patterns and security and walk into the darkness unafraid. It takes true courage and strength to truly let go and CHANGE. Obama knew when he was running for his presidency that the mantra of CHANGE would be his battle cry, as we felt instinctively that it was time for a new world, where freedom truly rings. The age of Aquarius is about freedom, and in order to change as a race of humanity, we must let go of what limits us in order to be free from it. We all have our work to do, and the planets in this configuration will have it no other way!


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