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Uranus retrograde since July 5th goes direct December 5th! Whoo hoo!!

by on Dec.04, 2010, under In The News

Astrologers have been speculating on the results of the movements of the planets in these prophetic times. When planets go retrograde, it is a review of the body of knowledge and experience the planet effects. We have a chance to go over lessons over and over again to get them right.

Uranus, as already mentioned on prior articles here, is the planet of AWAKENING. It shows us where we have self imposed limitations that keep us from living life fully. It provokes us to change through sudden events or unexpected occurrences. It has been moving back and forth from the sign of Pisces into Aries, and then retrograde back in Pisces again. This is big, as Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and Aries begins again.

So, here we are at the end of the age of Pisces, reviewing through the next few months what that all means until it moves in Aries next March 11, 2011. Pisces governs the subconscious and unconscious, so expect more awakenings that release trapped energy. We feel things so deeply in Pisces, so with the direct motion coming December 5th, we are moving forward again with our realizations, and choosing what is best for our spirit. Wherever you find yourself procrastinating you may be kicked out of your wait now, so be proactive for the best results.

Coupled with Uranus moving direct is the New Moon in Sagittarius on the 5th. New beginnings, new opportunities, plant those seeds in your intention now, and expect the unexpected!


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